Monday, September 27, 2010

An old PC dumping is not a "PC"

-According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency will expire almost 250 million computers in the next five years. Unfortunately, less than 20% in the United States in computers are recycled to create most of the year, on the other hand, the core capital "electronic waste".

To help reverse the trend, U.S. Government recently passed legislation providing for penalties and fines firms which in practice could ecologically disposal it appropriate. According to HP, the majority of companies - in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in any research be underestimated security, economic and environmental effects of the use of information technology equipment. The main results are: • 70% of respondents underestimated the cost of the removal of equipment; • 66% with purchasing authority leaders have been confused with the economic impact of the environment options are ignored when the supply of computer; and maximum • concern with regard to equipment for the destruction of our security and privacy.

is the "politically correct" way to dispose of information technology equipment ؟ ageing? IT leaders, as HP are increasing their commitment of real world solutions allow customers carry, environmental responsibility, also help to better their investments to restore it.

(E) cycling equipment and its components, it is possible to construct a new equipment. HP helped its customers to recycle more than 140 million pounds of hardware and print cartridges last year, the equivalent weight 280 jumbo aircraft! More and more retailers also offer recycled products, helping to keep them in landfills and other disposal sites.

The offer is another form of acquisition of the assets of the undertakings participating in it in order to reduce the level of the different risks since the lessor assumes for the proper disposal of computers at the end of its useful life. Environmental law for the imposition of fines or breach, as well as the laws of privacy and data protection, concerning the protection of the implications of lease customers. Similarly, older systems may be marketed in relation to discounts on the purchase of new machinery such programs as the HP "Ditch his dinosaur," which offers 100-discount when customers trade in obsolete equipment.

Which it is necessary to examine computers needy charities positive option. Such as cars can be effectively tax write-off as business unit, at the same time, be valuable organizations. For example, HP and many others are working with the National Cristina Foundation. This organization helps people with disabilities students risk and economically disadvantaged people lead independent and productive lives by providing them with information technology and training.


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