Wednesday, December 8, 2010

True Crime Hong Kong: first impression

True crime series is more pleasant games type of sandbox which I played until now. There are some problems in two games of True Crime, i.e., the streets of the Los Angeles and New York, but the idea of combining martial arts and fighting pistol in a free roaming environment is simply brilliant. Now Activision plans to publish another True Crime game, called the true crime Hong Kong. As the name suggests the game sets in Hong Kong, this time. Probably Hong Kong intense action films were the main inspiration for which there this time. Play as an undercover police called "Shen Wei" trying to beat the bad guys and bring them to their knees.

I recently had the opportunity to take a look at some of the features of the intense game. If telling you simple, the game seems very good. The visuals are pending and the nights in Hong Kong are wonderful. Vision in the alleys and neon signs paper lanterns in each makes construction is very beautiful to the extent of what graphics refers. Similar to previous games of True Crime, main objective is hand-to-hand combat system. Our character, i.e., Wei Shen know clearly a thing or two about kung fu. Martial arts is now more impressive than ever. VI Shen strikes some stylish interesting.There are counter attacks that lead to many movements diferentes.La part I liked most was when Shen approached the enemy and threw him a garbage dump in an electrical circuit or suspension him against his will be on a ventilator to brutally remodel his face.

The greatness of the game not only ends combat hand-to-hand; There are missions where you have to prosecute people in full the streets of Hong Kong which exhibit some impressive free running skills as a small climbing wall jumps on tables, etc. As well as any other style sandbox game, has the option to enter into any vehicle. I don't see anything unique in gun battles.The game covers all aspects quite well, cover system, good regulatory system and everything else you want in a game, but as said earlier nothing standing in the muchedumbre.Sin embargo, the development team has said it will be a special regulations system allowing you to shoot the enemies of the limb or something, to let them live. This probably has something to do with the reputation of Shen as a policeman, but for now, nothing can be said of him.

Another interesting feature must wait in the game is the ability to jump from a bike at the top of a vehicle in motion, as seen in Just Cause (not much physics is there but it is still a lot of fun).The normal shooting while driving characteristics stays with the game.

So far the game looks very agradable.Las new features make this unique game from other games which has always been True Crime.Ansiosamente series specialty sandbox I am waiting to get my hands on the actual game as soon as is communicated and so should you, because this seems a should buy game for mí.El game is available on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.


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