For the latest information revealed by the figures to use only 0.79% of the worlds Ubuntu operating system, which is a lot of behind the Windows 7 to the general objective of the Statcounter users% 19.43. Mac OS, Windows Vista, and Windows XP is 5.66% 17.68% and 55.38%.
When asked why Linux is not a competitor to Windows 7, Paul Holt, that is one of the company's Sales Director Ubuntu backer Canonical in London, said that this is due to the fact that Linux appeal cloud generation, who wish to access applications via the browser, which is what makes it different to all other operating systems in the world. [1] [2] the free software Foundation Europe President approves Holt and said: "I am disheartened to hear [Canonical is] not competing with space for working with Microsoft on the desktop".
The adoption of a majority of the "Linux on the desktop is essentially the people who previously had illegally or had other OSes with copies of the ways to get their OS from their desktop onto a page. We are not competing with the people who may be using Windows 7, "Paul Holt as at the Westminster eForum open source software for business and administration."My day-to-day role I am I, as a general rule, [involved], the heads of people, who want to move away from Microsoft environments?Yes-ISH. "
Holt said also that the Web 2.0 companies have shown that a great interest in Linux and employees do not pass the operating system at all. He shared his finding, meeting and said that in the United Kingdom, the public sector could not have wished for a Linux desktop, Linux but, on the other hand, has been a great trip to some of the companies that market to the open source technology.
Proprietary companies have invested a lot in countries like THE UK where the greater opportunities to make money.
Holt is to think that is really difficult to compete with Microsoft Ubuntu than Microsoft is really great company, which has received the order of products, which are undoubtedly good money, but yet, he wants to use Linux, because it adds value to the future of technology.
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