This is the first IP address of the tutorial series. It keeps track of how Internet passes the packets, network address, Classful and aliverkkoihin.
Q1 why IP address is missing?
Answer: the network connected to the phone Phones voice messages to be exchanged. All of the phone is set to a unique number.
The Internet is similar to the telephone network. IP stands for Internet Protocol. It defines the rules for the digital Internet messages to be exchanged.The computers are connected to the Internet to move messages to a smaller packages. For each computer with a unique IP address., each packet is marked in the source address and destination address.The destination address in the Internet use to pass the packets to the destination item in the source address to use.
Q2.What IP address structure?
Answer: it contains 32 bits, or four bytes (8 bits per byte). It is usually presented 4 decimal numbers, such as a.b.c.d. Each decimal place is connected to a byte.Each decimal is 0 ~ 255.
Jack's address can be, for example, present in two ways:
-Four decimal number, or
-32-bit binary number 01100100.00000100.00000101.00000110
Q3 how many IP addresses?
Answer: approximately 4.2 billion ECU (2 ^ 32 = 4, 294, 967, 296.)It looks like a lot but it is not.Internet addresses are in short supply in the beginning of the .1980 is designed for 32-bit address is known as IPv4. Later one is called IPv6 128-bit address.
Q4. What is the Internet?
Answer: Simplified definition is that the Internet is a series of routers, that connects computers and provides inter-computer communication services. Google allows you to find the "Internet", you will find a lot of good tutorials.
Q5. how the Internet will deliver messages on your computer?
Answer: the Internet has undergone a number of routers. Router has the address of the person to be included in the packages in the package labels of the network.
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