Q1. What is the address of the classification?
Answer: the IP address has been allocated over the domain name and host ID. it shall be classified in 5: (a), (B), (C), (d), (e) the allocation is based on the network mask, the leftmost bits of fixed length are allocated in the network ID and host ID.
Q2. How to classify IP address?
Answer: an IP address is 32 bits (4 bytes), and are often as 4 decimal numbers a.b.c.d bytes per one number. Each number is between 0 ~ 255.They are classified as follows:
Category a: "a" is 0 ~ 127. The domain name is "a" (the leftmost number). "host ID is" b.c.d (3 characters)
Category B: "a" is to 128 ~ 191. the domain name was "a b" (left).Host ID is "c. (d)" (right).
Category C: "a" is to 192 ~ 223.The domain name was "a.b.c" (the leftmost 3 characters). host ID is "d" (rightmost number)
Category (d), (e) "a" is to 224 ~ 255. Class D addresses are used for multicast addresses is assigned to a class E to scientific research.
Q3 how many host symbols and logos for class a, B, and c addresses?
Answer: the host or network marks depends on the number of bytes each.
Class Host IDs network account usage
A very large networks 16,777,216 256
(B) 65 536 65 536 large networks
(C) 256 16,777,216 small systems. contain more than 256 PCs.
Note: when two host for each class is reserved and cannot be set to hosts: all 0 bytes, all 1 bits.
Q4.How to set up categories, when IP addresses are binary?
Answer: we do not only look at the first byte (the leftmost 3 bytes)
To the left of the Leftmost byte of a.b.c. (d) the quantity
Class most bits, binary (4 digits) value
A 1 bit: 0 is 0 ~ 127 0xxxxxxx
(B) 2 bit 10 10xxxxxx 128 ~ 191
(C) 3 bit: 110 110xxxxx is 192 ~ 223
Note: the ratio of the destination network address in the routing table for a classful address is clear companion animation during playback.
Q5. how well a classful address address work?
Answer: It worked well in the early stages when the Internet was not too many computers connected to the Internet, however, the classification of the IP addresses. bit-rate, depending on the length of the networks does not Scale well when the number is increasing.
For example, to configure for 1000 of computers to the network address? class c network is not enough. If class b address space grant for this group, the host IDs are not used by the 64,536. It is high.
To resolve this problem, computer scientists designed classless IP address (or aliverkkoihin) addresses address space can be broken down further into smaller parts. in this way may be too large to fit on the 1000 a group of computers in the network address that contains 1024 hosts.
Classless IP address, see the following tutorial: IP aliverkkoihin.
This is an interactive animation FAQ. Concepts easier to understand when visualizd topology, packets and this animation tables. it appears in the external links section.