The minimum set of leased lines and Ethernet circuits are usually separate circuits. They are responsible for providing Internet bandwidth and availability. They can also be used for point point connections. Typical features include speed accessibility from Sterling 1 Gigabit per second [Gbps]. They are reliable and is a powerful and a wide range of connection.
Backup options are SDSL, ADSL, and (3) to (g). the continuous monitoring of the 365 days a year is the second feature, and technical support is available.Speed Download restrictions are eliminated symmetrical bandwidth. This is an alternative that is that their Internet access speed and continuous access and which rely on the companies that can run applications such as VoIP, video Conferencing, Terminal Services and Citrix smart selection of the companies.
As a general rule, the customer and the vendor has leased the agreement says that the service in the telecommunications line that connects two or more the customer pays a fee to the location of the. from the service. Sometimes about line or private circuit, attempts to connect these lines to their other offices which are located in different regions.
These lines are always active, and contrary to a dial-up connection. they usually charge a fee for the service on a monthly basis and will depend on two connections with the speed and distance. Because they have only communication between the company's offices, the quality is usually very good. This line is also called a SLIDE or leased line Ethernet line.
Lines are used more today business Internet access speed, passing data is much faster. in addition, they are not prohibitively expensive.Leased line services has been converted to a digital, knowledge-based economy at the beginning when Bell switched from analog digital in the 1970s. These lines the first was the root of the computers to connect to the remote and Terminal IBM System. in the 1980 's saw these pankkiautomaattien then onwards.
Still the batteries in the 1990s, the Internet was encouraging and leased lines allowed customers to an Internet service provider (ISP) "Point presence."64 KB/s speed over E1 position Mb/s 2.048, leased lines in the UK the circuit is possible.Speed can be more than E3 tail circuit 2.048 Mbit/s 34.368 Mbit/s. Us States, of the leased line low speed 56Kbit/s which are or less is usually used with analog modems.Higher speed use T1 circuits. termination of the holder of the network device is shall ensure customers.
The minimum set of leased lines is not, such as the public switched telephone network or PSTN switched. of the leased line does not have a phone number, because the lines, whether they are used on the Internet, data, or the phone is connected to each other. in most countries the State regulatory agency that monitors PSTN services. They make sure that customers are overcharged and can ensure that each operator to carry out each other's price to be paid a reasonable amount of traffic.
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