iPads and eReaders are all the rage these days because people love thoughts of being able to read on the go with electronic devices - no page turning, not to lose their place and not performing multiple books around when you know that it will have much time on their hands. It seems desirable and appropriate? But, according to a recent study by Dr. Jacob Nielson, Nielsen Norman Group, a consultancy development product, read an iPad or a Kindle is much slower than reading from good old old fashioned ink and paper.
The study compared the 24 users reading times using Kindle 2, application of iBooks iPad and a real book. For the most part, reading in any electronic appliances took almost 11% more than the reading of a book printed on a regular basis. But despite the increase in the time, those who participated said they preferred electronic devices to books. The study also looked at reading books on a regular PC - something that gave all negative criticism of participants monitor.
The participants were people who describe themselves as people who like to read and read often. Read stories by Ernest Hemingway on four different platforms. Their reading speeds were measured as reading comprehension. It took an average of 17 minutes and 20 seconds each user to read each story in all four platforms and their reading comprehension is not affected by the platform used.
Statistics for the computer monitor were not released by Nielsen, but other platforms numbers stacked like this: in comparison with paper, books, readers read 6.2% slower on iPad and even slower in the Kindle 2 by 10.7%. Kind of ironic given the Kindle 2 is designed specifically for reading. But Nielsen dismissed the time difference between the iPad and the Kindle, saying that the difference was not significant and should not be considered when consumers are buying new gadgets.
Participants are also asked to assess how much they liked reading on each platform. They were given a scale of 1 to 7 with 7, being the largest. The iPad was rated 5.8 5.7 Kindle and book printed 5.6 - not a lot of difference. But the computer monitor 3.6 just ranked. Reasons but the PC monitor include was not as relaxing as other gadgets and that users felt as if they were at work when you are using.
What does it mean? Ultimately, there is nothing. PC World asks what would happen if the study has considered ages.? Which persons in the 1920s, which have been using digital displays for all his life, like the Kindle iPad or read faster in it? Would be more people in their 60s in its forms and prefer the printed page? Also, the study included only 24 participants - this is a very small group and not really representative of the public in general.
One thing is certain. digital books and eReaders are becoming increasingly popular in the last two years. This year, sales of electronic books have grown at a rate of 217% compared to last year. But in my opinion, you still not can beat a good old-fashioned book.
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