Friday, September 24, 2010

Role of ECG signals are usually stored in a standard grid in hospitals documents.

Role of ECG signals is normally in the roles of standard hospital, grid as the case may be, for instance variations in cardiac performance, not the usual clinical diagnosis. Does not have to convert the ECG paper records electronic forms effective clinical use existing search. This document presents a prototype system designed for forms of recording ECG, records of IFD role as efficient or necessary ECG signal processing algorithms of scanned, retrieved or transmitted via computer networks for clinical purposes. The current system prototype scanned images are scanned binary ECG records printed in the image specified, such as filtering and slimming procedures. Waveforms from ECG, then stay and indexing of ASCII data files.

Window is based on user easy to use interface also included to provide users with easy access to the experimental sistema.Resultados sample, IFD paper records are very encouraging and display efficiency promise recovery and easy handling for clinical purposes ECG data storage.This document also briefly to other possible alternative technologies such as current research record conversion of paper prototyping ECG system frequency-domain analysis.

A typical electrocardiograph runs role speed 25 mm/s, although sometimes the fastest speed of paper is used. Each small block ECG paper is 1 mm². Small blocks of ECG paper converting the document at a speed of 25 mm/s, 0.04 s (or 40 ms) .Cinco small blocks make up to 1 a large block, which translates to 0.20 s (or 200 ms).in these circumstances, the 5 large blocks per second. 12 Diagnostic quality lead is calibrated ECG is 10 mm, 1 mm Millivolttiasteikolla translate 0.1 mV.

Used as a projection of stress of ischemia cardíaca-corazón during the prueba.A times it is a good idea for diseases of the sydämenpysähdysten (e.g. pulmonary embolism or hypothermia) .in the heart of the ECG directly assess contractility.However, gives a rough indication of increased or decreased contractility.typical electrocardiograph runs role speed 25 mm/s, although greater speed of paper are sometimes used to lock the IFD.each small paper is 1 mm².


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