Sunday, September 26, 2010

4 Resolving palvelinhotellin system services

The main factor that determines the availability of servers in the palvelinhotellin establishment are enabled. Power knock offline network outages and even damage hardware, motherboard, memory, and hard drives. How, despite the power of the substance is considered in the context of their networks, only 3% enterprises is palvelinhotellin spaces adequate power.? Another 97% of installations is missing some of the more common redundancy, multiple units to carry out the burden of energy, even if a drive or is currently running from the capacity overhead because of lack of unity and leave the other units units. Each part of the power (UPS) - generators supply, transfer switches, or switches circuit and capacitors (PDU) - distribution system would be unnecessary and onwards as capacity currently in use.

Problem 1: non-redundant power transmission grids
In the context of a number of PDUS power grids and multiple UPS is intended to compensate for the part of the body in the event of a power grid palvelinhotellin. A power additional Palvelinhotellin instruments networks with different servers to connect customer networks at the same time, so even if one is disconnected, the other is for, to retain, without interruption in use on the network.

Problem 2: non-redundant UPS
During a power outage power supply type until that the generator can receive online; if you do not enable Supply immediately when the network is not met, and go down. Even with the high quality of UPS errors are common, it is important that the number of redundant UPS units "n + 1 configuration – all ups and redundant." Functionally, this means that each of the UPS are carried out under adequate capacity to handle the failure of the drive without overloading the other units. If there are two Supply and run that each unit is less than 50%, so if one fails, another can continue without overhead. If there are three units, each shall be carried out by less than 66%; four units of less than 75%. In the current load on the front of the UPS are displayed on the screen.

Problem 3: transfer switch errors
Most of the functions of changes the electrical utility generator palvelinhotellin transfer mechanical power, switches are not as reliable as circuit breakers. These switches are one of the most common places that fails in the power system. No unnecessary switches power in the same paragraph, move the switch on transfer failures means network switches.

Problem 4: insufficient capacity of generator of
Generators be empowered during a power outage. Run without the overhead, the generator is the ability to perform the equivalent to 1.5 times the amount of the construction of the cargo. Ideally, it would be unnecessary backup palvelinhotellin plant generator main generator fails, and the body must be in the process there is a switch power generators. Take several generators is not the same as delete where not applicable enter generators. One of the most common problems palvelinhotellin spaces is a generator that initiates the establishment of a small generator and power, as he grew older. This creates several points where power is transferred to the increasing likelihood that network go down during the power outage. Practical examination for generators must be device handling, velvet, guides, test on a monthly basis and fully engaged fuel.

Refers to examine
Less than palvelinhotellin a 20 spaces better systems of power, despite the fact that greater impact on the usability of network power systems. Handling of unnecessary equipment and components running under each part of system, network, performance, and server and the useful life of equipment air throughput capacity. Make sure that the system power is palvelinhotellin institution addressing power and sound, two words, equipment failures must be borne in mind: capacity and redundancy.


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