Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Validity Sitemap

Sitemap frequently considered unnecessary in the process of building a Web site, and that is indeed the fact if a sitemap for having one. By emphasising the importance of having a sitemap, you can customize your own maps to its own needs.

1. Navigation purposes

Sitemap literally acts as a site map. If visitors browses your site and gets lost among the thousands of pages on your site, they can always refer to your map to see where they are and navigate through your pages easily.

2. carry the theme of your website

When visitors to load up your sitemap, you will receive the main content of your site in a very short time. There is no need for "big picture" of your site by reading by each party, and by so doing, to savings in time your visitors.

3. Site optimization purposes)

When you create a site map are actually creating a single page that contains links to each individual pages in your site. Imagine what happens when search engine robots hits on this page--will follow the link on the sitemap and naturally each single page site gets indexed by the search engines! It is also for this purpose that link to your Sitemap must be prominently on the front page of the Web site.

4. Organization and usefulness

Site map allows you to have full bird site structure, and whenever you add new content or new sections, to take account of the existing hierarchy just by glancing at the site map. As a result will have a perfectly organised site with everything sorted according to their relevance.

This is why it is important to implement map website projects of considerable size. By this way you can keep your Web site easily accessible and ksztaƂtnie organized for all users.


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