Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mumba Botnet has infected 55,000 computers

Mumba Botnet Has Infected 55,000 Computers

Free research software-fabricante antivirus AVG was released early this week and the results show that more than 55,000 computers worldwide have been infected by Mumba botnet. The report was prepared by AVG, Web security research team can be found in

According to the report, more than 60 GB of data personal, such as social networking, banking information, credit card and e-mail information information has been stolen people and computers company personnel. At least 33% of the infected computers are located in the United States, followed by 17% in German, Spain, 7% and 6% in United Kingdom Mexico and Canada 5%.

Mumba botnet is a virus that was created by a group of cyber criminals known as the Avalanche group. The group is known for creating a production system mass to phishing sites and other malicious programs. Mumba uses Zeus, one of the most common and current malware shapes.

In a press release, Yuval Ben-Itzhak said Vice President of AVG, "single infrastructure that comes after the servers that host the data now stolen Mumba botnet media are much more difficult than before." "As cyber criminals increasingly become sophisticated, is essential to consumers and businesses prevent their computers will become the next victim in these cyber attacks dynamic through anti-virus and LinkScanner tools such as AVG offers free."


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