Friday, October 15, 2010

Things to know before buying a notebook

Today, most people opt to buy a laptop, instead of using desktop, because it is practical and its function is almost similar to a desktop computer. If you're buying a laptop for you, you can consider reading this article to get an idea of the things you need to take into account. Will give you an overview of the standard criteria that an individual must learn to have portable unit ideal serving their needs.

1. In the budget.You have to plan well how much quantity assigned to buy his laptop deseado.Todo depends on n or your budget.

2 Marca.Aquí are brands known aside from Apple, HP-Compaq, Dell, IBM-Lenovo, Acer, Sony, Toshiba, gateway and Asus. Decide what brand you wish to buy.

3. Guarantee of laptops. Each brand of notebooks come with warranty.The standard warranty is one year, but there are some that offers two years as the notebook Asus.Es very important to take into account this is to avoid other charges when something went wrong drive warranty. Also, ask your standard procedure where something went wrong, as it can bring unity to any service center or is only permitted to bring it to your store provider. It must take into account the most convenient option.

4. The procesador.Decidir if AMD, Intel and its capacity. There are some pros and cons of each option. If you are a techie person, you should consider having Intel, because it already existed for several years. But think about this, almost all brands of notebook manufacturing with AMD or Intel processor, and both comes with almost the same technology.

5 Memoria.La greater part of the existing operating system Microsoft mainly due to view Microsoft requires at least 1 GB of memory. But to improve performance, it is recommended to have at least 2 GB.If If you will be working with different software applications make it greater. Remember, the higher capacity memory, laptop mejor.Nuevo already launched are updatable, it now has.

6. The capacidad.La hard most of the laptop comes with at least 80 GB of hard drive capacity. If in case that you will be handling of very large file choose the model of notebook with greater capacity. Otherwise, you will provide an external storage.

7. The video or graphics card. For those engaged in editing photos or video, online video or computer games must buy the laptop more responsive graphics model. Larger graphics finer output can have.

8 Ports.The most commonly used port is USB because almost all peripheral comes with connector USB.Obtener model with at least 4 USB ports.Also, note the model attached series, VGA, video and parallel port.

9. Wireless capacity.Most of the network and wireless internet connection of will.Select the wireless adapter with increased capacity;do not go for the standard if the greater part of the transaction will be on-line.

10 Bluetooth.Hay some model laptop that are Bluetooth enabled, get this model for fast file transfer purposes especially for mobile to transfer files from the laptop.

11. The majority of laptop model interfaces.the comes with built-in camera, choose any of these modelos.Si has friends online, will be very important for the purposes of chat.

12 Software. option software may vary in their necesidad.La most computer users opt to use Microsoft.Si software you want to save your money, could consider Open Office.Se software application traffic in a free and almost the same with Microsoft.También, Open Office file application software can be opened in Microsoft Office.

Proper planning is highly recommended to buy their own laptop to avoid any unnecessary problems después.Conocer needs and start drawing your laptop model desired

Training for CCNA, MCITP, PC repair


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