Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Faster Way, Internet Options

Yes, it will be possible to make faster Internet without paying anything, and Yes, it is also the Internet a safer way. What we must do to get it? You have a little tutorial on how the site works with. And then you may be on the way to do everything so that ordinary problems only concern.

Let's Start it this way-everyone knows the Internet addresses and loves-go to,, and so on, actually no real Internet addresses at all. Imagine what it displays if the cell phone in the phone book function can only list a set of numbers and no name for each number.If you can open your phonebook, you can only see the endless column numbers that do little but make sense, because you do not remember the numbers well and you do not recognize.

Internet works the same way as telephone system, of the one part, and the string of digits. Each of ten numbers called Internet Protocol address of a single Web page refers to.Help with your mobile phone book-like Internet designers came to the system, if a Web author can attach name if no one has ever thought about the name. every time for you to type the name of the address bar, which you pay $ 35 a month, so that you can not go on the Internet in the world, the Web address of an exhaustive list of the name shows the number of detected what goes against the name, and you can connect to the Internet service provider (ISP). A service that match the name to number is called the Domain Name System.

What happens when a Domain Name System, Internet service provider (ISP) sometimes crashes? It happened a couple of years ago LA. Warner time DNS crashed, and each thought that the whole of the Internet had large for any reason.If they would have been for each site they needed to visit the numbers they should ever had a problem but what if when they do, and you had to go to another DNS system instead of the Internet service provider (ISP)? This is OpenDNS takes place in the company. And they claim that their business over a period of five years, not once they ever had a problem.

Switch to OpenDNS ' service to access the Internet and is likely to get when was going on at least 10% faster.It intends to take too many other issues.You can correct spelling errors in the Web address, it blocks all phishing fully. best of all, you And the Internet with OpenDNS, can easily use the access control than ever before.Is secret, teenagers, you can work around the older install normal Net Nannys mailing lists.They contain specific sites that give you ways of moving blocks names. Outstanding DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) only these mailing lists themselves committed to and to prevent them as soon as too.

So what do I need to start using the Internet faster and better to do?, all you have to do is to log on to and simple steps to get you started And you may be on the road. safer and more enjoyable experience connected to the Internet in seconds.


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