Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Windows Security Suite Fix - How to Get Rid of Windows Security Suite From Your PC

Windows Security Suite is a fake antivirus program that will install onto your computer and then show a series of fake virus alerts to try and get you to buy the "upgrade" of the program. Although this program may look legitimate, the fact is that it's actually one of the most annoying & infectious types of viruses you can get on your system. You should not trust this program and definitely should not buy it. Here's how to get rid of it for good...

This program will typically install into these folders on your PC:

* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567\WINSSSys
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WINSSSys
* %UserProfile%\Application Data\Windows Security Suite

Unfortunately, even though this may seem like a legitimate program, it's what industry experts call a "malware" (malicious software) virus. This type of infection basically works by installing a fake application onto your computer, and then attempting to either steal your personal details or get you to buy a false upgrade to the program. It's essential you get rid of this program from your computer for good - which can be tricky considering the various components it has.

Not many people know this, but the Windows Security Suite software will not just install a fake application - it will typically place around 10-20 other programs into your Windows folder in order to try and steal any personal details you may have on your system. When attempting to remove the software from your computer, you need to be able to get rid of all the infected programs from your system, which is something that can only typically be achieved with an automated & professional removal tool.

The way to get rid of Windows Security Suite is to use an "anti-malware" program to scan through your PC and get rid of any of the infected programs & codes this virus placed on it. The best tool to remove the potential infections is one called XoftSpy, which has been produced by a leading software company called Pareto Logic. This program is used by millions of people around the World because of how reliable & effective it is at getting rid of potential problems on your PC. You should download it to your system, install it and then let it scan through the files & folders your system has. It will remove all the infected elements, which should make your computer run much smoother & faster again.


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